Angie's Classic Hats

Angie's Classic Hats

out of salon notice

Notice: I am away on a writers' retreat until July 30th; orders will not be ready for pick-up or shipping until my return. Thank you for your understanding!

      Welcome to Angie's Classic Hats, where every hat I create is a piece of art made from the finest felt.

      In my collection, you'll find a blend of timeless designs that embody both tradition and modern elegance. If you're in search of a classic look that transcends fleeting fashion trends, my regular designs are perfect for you.

      For those who seek something truly unique, I offer customizable hats. This option allows you to tailor your hat to your personal style and preferences, whether it's choosing a specific colour, adding distinctive embellishments, or altering the shape. At Angie's Classic Hats, I'm dedicated to ensuring that each hat not only meets your expectations but also reflects your individuality and sophistication.

      Your perfect hat awaits!